Buying Some Time

buying some time
BY Dr Younes kalakhy

The expression “to buy some time“ is generally used in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). It is the main role of this department in the hospital, ie, all procedures are performed to stabilize vital functions to enable the body some time to regain its vitality!!!

In pandemic conjuncture, the Intensive Care Unit worldwide is a real space where anyone can feel the full effect of the coronavirus pandemic. All workers in this vital hospital unit have been and will continue to fight every day and every night doing anything to preserve life: the most valuable property.

On the other hand, everybody across the world is currently focused on the coronavirus vaccine. Some countries had already started their vaccination program under media cameras until the moment when the new variant of coronavirus in the UK was announced. Events, unfortunately, made a u-turn. Fear conquered our high hopes. The entire scientific community was disturbed and the question became: would the vaccine be effective ?? Since nobody could affirm that, the rule is to wait and see !!!!

Eventually, many “complications“ events were reported after the vaccine. This made citizens worldwide express their biggest concern: would the vaccine fall apart?? Fortunately, it was mainly a piece of fake news over simple complications like fever or localized pain. The good news is: the vaccine is safe according to scientific studies, especially in the first phase.

As a frontline worker in this emergency, it’s important in my opinion to think in real-time about the solutions. I mean, to think about all the tools which could be used to improve the pandemic situation worldwide. Remember that coronavirus is not only in the hospitals or pharmaceutical laboratories but the economic repercussion are even more serious. When I attend social events, I come across companies in compulsory liquidation. I observe the aeronautic sector paralyzed, the bank’s financial forecasts being plunged into real uncertainly, etc!!!!

Nonetheless, we should be optimists. We must fight every day, especially now that we have the coronavirus vaccine, doesn’t matter which one: AstraZeneca, Sino pharm, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson ….

However, the world should also focus on a new approach to Intensive Care procedures because there is a big difference between today and during the confinement period. The knowledge about SARS cov2 behavior in the body, especially in the lung, has significantly improved. The scientific community has accumulated more information about the coronavirus outbreak.

Oxygen, Heparin, anti-inflammatory steroids, are all tools, for example, considered as important shields against the virus. On the other hand, old people, persons with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, immunodeficiency cases should be protected in all urgency.

Finally, I wish the world a speedy recovery, good health, solidarity, and hope.

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